Types of Houses in Spanish – PDF Reading Worksheet

¡Hola! Thanks for joining us. This time, we’re sharing a great worksheet with three short readings about different types of houses in Spanish. We have included the key vocabulary for rooms and parts of a house or apartment, as well as common objects, furniture, and other items you can find in them. Students can also solve these exercises online on this page. Let’s start…


Students can work individually or in pairs to complete the exercises on this PDF or solve it online.

To complete the exercises in this worksheet, students must carefully read three mini-readings about some types of houses in Spanish: an apartment, a country house, and a family’s new home in the U.S. In the first exercise, students must answer eight questions about different things such as rooms or parts of the house, location, advantages and disadvantages of the house, and how its owners feel about their home. In the second exercise, they must read the statements and mark them as “True” (T) or “False” (F) based on what each person says about their home.

Information about this worksheet:

Level: Intermediate
Skill: Reading
Related Spanish Lesson:

Types of houses in Spanish PDF reading worksheet  with exercises.

Solve it online!

Exercise No. 1

Scan the short passages about the types of housing in Spanish again, and choose the correct answer for each of these questions about their content.

Exercise No. 2

Classify the following statements about houses as true (Verdadero) or false (Falso) based on what’s described in the readings.

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