Rooms and Parts of the House in Spanish: PDF Worksheet

Hello! In this worksheet, you will find exercises on the vocabulary for rooms and parts of the house in Spanish, as well as the structure of the sentences with verbs like “HAY” (there is/are), “TENER” (to have), “SER” (to be) and other verbs, in addition to the prepositions of place in Spanish.


Students can work individually or in groups to solve the exercises in this worksheet.

First, students must write down the names of the different rooms and parts of the house in the empty boxes over the picture of the house on top of the worksheet. Then, they must complete some sentences about the house with the names of object, the different forms of the verbs TENER, prepositions of place or any other structure that may fit correctly. Finally, they should write the name of the objects in the rooms on the right.

Worksheet information:

Level: Beginners
Skill: Vocabulary/Writing
Related lessons:

Rooms and Parts of the House in Spanish: PDF Worksheet
Las partes de la casa en español

Interactive quiz:

Look carefully at the image on the worksheet and follow the instructions to solve the interactive test about it.

Extra activity:

Students find a picture of their ideal house (su casa ideal) and then make sentences like the ones on the worksheet about rooms and parts of the house in Spanish. They should use all the vocabulary they know to write a description for the house they choose. Once they have practiced, they present for their classmates and teacher.

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