The House in Spanish

The lessons in this section are all about the house in Spanish. They will teach you the basic vocabulary for rooms and parts of the house, as well as how to talk about specific house objects in Spanish. You will find many sentences, descriptions, listening activities and quizzes to practice a lot.

Household Chores in Spanish: Hay and Tener Que + Activities

¿Qué tareas domésticas te gusta hacer? “Los Quehaceres”, “Las tareas del hogar” and “Los oficios de la casa” are three ways to refer to household chores in Spanish. This lesson will introduce the vocabulary for these tasks through a short video and several mini-conversations. In addition, we will discuss about ways to express obligations in Spanish using

Household Chores in Spanish: Hay and Tener Que + Activities Read More »

talking about household chores in Spanish using hay que and tener que

Describing a Kitchen in Spanish: Objects and IR A

LA COCINA or the kitchen in Spanish is another important room in the house. There are many different items and utensils that can be found in a kitchen, from simple objects like UNA CUCHARA (a spoon) to appliances like UNA REFRIGERADORA (a refrigerator). In this lesson, you will learn some common kitchen objects in Spanish through pictures and several audio

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Describing a Kitchen in Spanish: Objects and IR A Los objetos de la cocina en español

Things in the Living Room in Spanish: Sentences and Descriptions

LA SALA or LA SALA DE ESTAR are two interchangeable ways to refer to the living room in Spanish, a very important room in the house and a nice topic to learn some new vocabulary for house objects in Spanish. This lesson covers several words used in real conversations when talking about LA SALA and how you can use this vocabulary to

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Things in the living room in Spanish - house objects in Spanish
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