Spanish Pronouns – Los pronombres en español

The lessons in this section will explain how to use different types of Spanish pronouns including subject pronouns, direct object pronouns, reflexive pronouns, prepositional pronouns and others. Each lesson includes a chart for Spanish pronouns as well as sentences using them that you can also listen to.

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Spanish Possessive Pronouns: Chart & Sentences

Spanish possessive pronouns are words used to talk about the things that belong to us or to other people. They are very useful in daily conversations in the language and very easy to use as well. This lesson will introduce a list of these pronouns and more importantly, you will read and listen to sentences with possessive pronouns in Spanish.

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Possessive pronouns in Spanish Chart examples and quiz

Making sentences with Spanish Reflexive Pronouns: Examples and Practice

Spanish reflexive pronouns are words that are used to indicate whom or what will be affected by a verb or action. These types of pronouns are very useful for lots of different topics in the language. They are not the same as reflexive verbs, but both of them are strongly related as we will soon see

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Making sentences with Spanish Reflexive Pronouns: Examples and Practice

Spanish Subject Pronouns: Chart, Sentences and Practice

This lesson covers one of the most important grammar topics in the language: Spanish subject pronouns – Los pronombres personales. This type of pronouns is used in every single conversation that we have. Learning how to use them is fundamental to communicate our ideas accurately. Here, you will find a list of these pronouns, but more importantly, we will

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Personal pronouns in Spanish - Los pronombres personales

Regular Verbs in Spanish: Conjugation, List and Sentences

Just like in English, there are rules for tenses and verbs in Spanish. The present tense itself has three major conjugation moods: the indicative, the subjunctive and the imperative mood. This lesson will teach you how to conjugate regular verbs in Spanish in the indicative, which is one of the simplest and the most commonly used

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A list of common -ER ending regular verbs in Spanish and how to conjugate them in the present tense

Describing People’s Physical Appearance in Spanish

In the previous lesson, we covered the most common adjectives to describe people in Spanish, particularly on physical appearance – describiendo la apariencia de las personas. We also discussed how to make simple sentences with SER, LUCIR and adjectives. In this lesson, we will put all the pieces together to describe people’s appearance in Spanish. You will be

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Adjectives to describe people in Spanish

La Rutina – Describing your Daily Routine in Spanish

¿Qué haces todos los días? ¿Cuál es tu rutina diaria? These are two common questions to ask about someone’s daily routine in Spanish – la rutina diaria. In a previous lesson, we covered the most important words for everyday activities and made sentences with reflexive and non-reflexive verbs. This lesson will go a little further and teach

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Daily routine activities and verbs in Spanish
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