Prepositions of Place in Spanish

The lessons in this section will cover different types of Spanish prepositions, including those for talking about the location of objects, for directions, for places of origin and more situations. More than word lists, you will learn to use Spanish prepositions in sentences and what verbs you will often use with them.

Classroom Objects in Spanish: List and Sentences (with Audio)

The vocabulary for classroom objects in Spanish (los objetos de la clase) may be very useful at school and also in many other settings. In this lesson, you will read and listen to several examples using a list of classroom items. Besides, we will make use of the vocabulary and grammar structures we have covered in previous lessons

Classroom Objects in Spanish: List and Sentences (with Audio) Read More »

How to make sentences with colors, prepositions of places and classroom items in Spanish

Prepositions of Place in Spanish: List, Examples and Practice

Prepositions of place in Spanish, LAS PREPOSICIONES DE LUGAR, are words like “Sobre” (on) and “Debajo” (under) that are normally used to indicate the location of one object in relation to another. In this lesson, we will learn how to use these prepositions together with the verb ESTAR to form basic sentences. In addition, you

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Prepositions of place in Spanish lesson - preposiciones en español

Giving Directions in Spanish: Phrases and Conversations

In a previous lesson, we learned part of the vocabulary for places in town. We also discussed a little about different ways to ask and give directions in the language. This lesson will focus on introducing some new phrases and contextualize the vocabulary in conversations where people need to ask or give directions in Spanish. As usual,

Giving Directions in Spanish: Phrases and Conversations Read More »

Key expressions for asking and telling directions in Spanish
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