Directions & Places in Spanish

The lessons in this section will teach you the vocabulary for places in Spanish and different ways to give directions in Spanish. The lessons include examples on how to give home addresses and directions of places around town and more. Practice with listening activities and interactive quizzes.

Making Comparisons in Spanish: the City vs the Countryside

¡Hola! Welcome to a new lesson for listening practice. This time, we will compare life in the city with life in the countryside. This lesson includes several examples of comparisons of equality and inequality about things such as traffic, environment, job opportunities and others that we discuss when we are making comparisons in Spanish. More importantly,

Making Comparisons in Spanish: the City vs the Countryside Read More »

How to make comparisons in Spanish with listening activities for the city and the countryside

Describing your Town in Spanish: Adjectives and Directions

¿Cómo es tu ciudad? In order to answer this question, you need to know a little about places in your town, some adjectives and the basics about directions. In this lesson, we will review the vocabulary for places in town in Spanish and ways to ask and give directions too. More importantly, we will teach you how

Describing your Town in Spanish: Adjectives and Directions Read More »

Describing your town in Spanish and places around the city

Prepositions of Place in Spanish: List, Examples and Practice

Prepositions of place in Spanish, LAS PREPOSICIONES DE LUGAR, are words like “Sobre” (on) and “Debajo” (under) that are normally used to indicate the location of one object in relation to another. In this lesson, we will learn how to use these prepositions together with the verb ESTAR to form basic sentences. In addition, you

Prepositions of Place in Spanish: List, Examples and Practice Read More »

Prepositions of place in Spanish lesson - preposiciones en español

Giving Directions in Spanish: Phrases and Conversations

In a previous lesson, we learned part of the vocabulary for places in town. We also discussed a little about different ways to ask and give directions in the language. This lesson will focus on introducing some new phrases and contextualize the vocabulary in conversations where people need to ask or give directions in Spanish. As usual,

Giving Directions in Spanish: Phrases and Conversations Read More »

Key expressions for asking and telling directions in Spanish
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