Places and Directions in Spanish – PDF Worksheet

¡Hola! Thanks for using our resources. This time, we are sharing a great PDF worksheet to practice the key vocabulary for places in the city, plus the most important words you need to ask for and give directions in Spanish. We hope you can get the best out of this material.


Students work in pairs or in pairs to solve the exercise on this worksheet. They can also it online on this page.

This worksheet includes a very nice made-up city map with many different places and their names in Spanish, places you might find in most small towns. Students must look at the map, recognize this vocabulary, and then take a look at the sentences below. The main exercise on this PDF worksheet consists of finding the right places to complete these directions in Spanish. Students will also need other words like prepositions of places in Spanish such as “detrás de”, “junto a”, “cerca de..”, etc, plus key phrases to more around town such as “gire a la izquierda” (turn right), “cruza la calle” (cross the street) and so on. Introducing and explaining how to use these expressions before working on this material would be great. Students can definitely check the lessons with many examples on this topic linked below.

Worksheet information and related lessons:

Level: Intermediate
Skill: Vocabulary
Related Spanish Lessons:

Solve it online!

Look at the map of the town closely, recognize the places, and then complete the sentences about their directions in Spanish in the interactive quiz.

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