Physical Appearance in Spanish – PDF Worksheet

¡Hola! This time, we are sharing an excellent PDF worksheet including two basic exercises to describe people’s physical appearance in Spanish. This material will be very useful to learn more vocabulary on adjectives to describe people.


Students can work individually or in groups to complete the exercises on this worksheet. They can also work online on them on this page.

This worksheet contains two exercises in which adjectives must be used to describe people’s physical appearance in Spanish, such as height, age, eye color, and general looks. Students must analyze and fill in the blanks with the adjective that fits based on the drawings, for example:

  • “Ella tiene ojos de color verde.” (In this case, the adjective is used to describe a physical feature referring to the color of her eyes.)
  • “José es delgado” (Similarly, we can use other adjectives in Spanish to describe someone’s body).

Just like in the previous examples, we can use a number of adjectives to describe each person’s features and distinguish them from one another.

Worksheet information:

Level: Pre-intermeate
Skill: Vocabulary
Related lessons:

Solve it online!

Exercise No. 1

Drag and drop these physical appearance adjectives in Spanish to the right spaces.

Exercise No. 2

Drag and drop these adjectives related to eye color and hair color in Spanish to the right places.

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