Ordinal Numbers in Spanish 1-10 – PDF Worksheet

¡Hola! This time, we are sharing another great PDF worksheet that was designed to help you practice the vocabulary for ordinal numbers 1-10 in Spanish with two simple exercises. Let’s start…


Students could work by themselves or in pairs to solve the exercises on this worksheet. They can also solve it online on this page.

This PDF worksheet consists of two interesting exercises using the vocabulary for animals and ordinal numbers. To solve the first exercise, students must take a look at the image showing a set of 10 animals in a fictional race and then write the ordinal numbers in Spanish 1-10 in the boxes based on the places of each animal in the race, taking into account the direction they are heading to. The numbers that they need have been added on top of the worksheet. For the second exercise, students should read these sentences about the animals and fill in the gaps with “los números ordinales” that represent their places in the race accurately. Here, they have an opportunity to learn some extra vocabulary by reading the names of these animals and actions they perform

Worksheet information:

Level: Beginners
Skill: Vocabulary
Related lessons:

Solve it online!

Exercise No. 1

Look at the animals in the race and then, drag and drop the Spanish ordinal numbers 1-10 to the correct boxes in the interactive quiz.

Exercise No. 2

Fill in the blanks with the correct ordinal numbers in Spanish based on the picture in the PDF worksheet

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