Jobs and Professions in Spanish – PDF Exercises

Thanks for joining us! Here, you will learn the key vocabulary about jobs and professions in Spanish with a PDF worksheet that includes two simple exercises to practice this essential topic. Let’s get started…


Students can work on these exercises individually or in groups using this PDF worksheet. They can also solve it online on this page.

Students should solve both exercises this way:

  • In the first exercise, students should write the names of the jobs or professions in Spanish represented by the images in the empty boxes. For example, they should write “cocinero” if the image depicts a woman or man with clothing for this specific occupation.
  • In the second exercise, you should read the sentences and, depending on the context, write the most appropriate job or profession in the blank space. For example: “El libro es entretenido. El escritor es muy creativo”.

Worksheet information:

Level: Pre-intermediate
Skill: Vocabulary
Related lessons:

Solve it online!

Exercise No. 1

Look at each of the flashcards and write the name of each job or profession in Spanish below the images.

Exercise No. 2

Complete these sentences with the jobs or occupations in Spanish that best fit in according to each person’s activities.

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