¡Hola! Thanks for joining us. We are sharing a great PDF worksheet for you to practice demonstrative adjectives in Spanish, which are essential to talk about objects and people around us. This worksheet is related to another one about Spanish demonstrative pronouns we shared before. Let’s start…
Students could work individually or in pairs to solve this worksheet. They can also solve the exercises through the interactive quizzes in this page.
First, this worksheet gives a short explanation on how to use demonstrative adjectives in Spanish as a way to reference objects or people. They are words like “este”(this), “ese”(that) and “aquellos”(those) that are always placed before the noun they modify. They must agree with these nouns in gender (maculine or feminine words) and number (singular or plural), for example:
- “Esta casa es grande” (this house is big) – Here, “esta” is a feminine, singular demonstrative adjective just like the word “casa“
- “Aquellas frutas se ven ricas” (Those fruits look delicious) – “aquellas” is a plural “adjetivo demonstrativo” that agrees with “frutas“
To solve the first exercise, students must complete the chart with the correct demonstrative adjectives in Spanish to refer to the nouns in the third column, as shown in the examples. For the second one, they must find the demonstratives (los demonstrativos) that best fit in the blank spaces for each sentence by paying attention to key phrases and words like “por ahí” (over there), “por acá” (over here), etc. For the last exercise, they should simply circle or underline these special adjectives in the short paragraph.
Worksheet information:
Level: Beginner
Skill: Grammar
Related lessons:
- Using Spanish Demonstrative Adjectives and Pronouns
- How to Make Basic Sentences in Spanish
- Classroom Objects in Spanish: List and Sentences (with Audio)
Solve it online!
Exercise No. 1
Drag and drop these Spanish demonstrative adjectives to complete the chart.
Exercise No. 2
Fill in the blanks with the appropriate demonstratives in Spanish for each sentence.
Exercise No. 3
Find the demonstrative adjectives in Spanish in this short text and click on them. Then check the results.