Daily Activities and Time in Spanish – PDF Worksheet

¡Hola! Thanks for using our resources. This time, we are sharing a PDF worksheet with an exercise to practice the vocabulary for daily activities and ways to tell time in Spanish. We hope you can get the best out of this material.


Students could work individually or in pairs to solve this exercise. They can also solve it online on this page.

This PDF worksheet links two very important topics: daily activities and ways to tell time – las actividades diarias y la hora. In order to solve the main exercise, students should first take a look at the schedule (el horario) in this material, which shows the different days of the week, plus the activities someone does every day and the time for each particular action.

After looking at the schedule, students must read the sentences below and fill in the blanks with the correct daily routine activities for the time and days in the schedule, or using the correct time in Spanish in words. Remember, there are several ways to write the time in the language. Also, all these actions represented by normal or reflexive verbs must be conjugated in the present tense, for example:

  • Lunes / 9:00 / lavar la ropa -> “El lunes, yo lavo la ropa a las nueve.”
  • Jueves / 1:45 / bañarse. -> “El jueves, yo me baño a la una y cuarenta y cinco/El jueves, yo me baño faltando un cuarto para las dos.”

Worksheet information:

Level: Intermediate
Skill: Vocabulary/Grammar/Writing
Related lessons:

Solve it online!

Look at the schedule for someone’s daily activities, time and days in Spanish. Then, complete each sentence below with the correct missing information.

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