Countries with Tropical Weather – Spanish Reading Worksheet

¡Hola! Thanks for using our resources. This time, we are sharing a great worksheet with exercises to practice reading with a passage about countries with tropical weather. This worksheet comes with two exercises for students to get the best out of this material. Let’s start…


Students could work individually or in pairs to solve the exercises on this worksheet.

First, students must read the entire passage, which will basically talk about the weather (el clima) around the world, particularly countries with tropical weather and their two seasons: rainy and dry season. This passage will make use of several key verbs and expressions that are commonly used to talk about the weather in Spanish. For exercise No. 1, they must scan the text and answer the questions based on what this person talks about. For exercise No. 2, they should decide whether these statements are true or false, based on the information in the reading.

Worksheet information:

Level: Intermediate
Skill: Reading
Related lessons:

Countries with tropical weather PDF reading worksheet in Spanish with exercises

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Exercise No. 1

Read the passage once more and choose the correct answer for each of the questions.

Exercise No. 2

Read these statements about the passage on countries with tropical weather in Spanish and choose true (verdadero) or falso (false)

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