Comparing Cars in Spanish – PDF Reading Worksheet

Hello! Today, we are sharing a nice PDF worksheet with some reading comprehension exercises about three different passages comparing cars in Spanish, their advantages and disadvantages for people and the environment. Let’s start…


Students can work in pairs or alone to solve the exercises in this worksheet. They can also solve it online through the interactive quizzes below.

Print the PDF worksheet and give each student a copy. First, students should take a couple of minutes to quickly read the three passages in Spanish about specific types of cars: traditional gas-powered cars, electric cars and hybrid cars. Once they have a general idea of their content, they should scan the texts again to find the correct information to answer each of the questions on exercise No. 1 about each car’s pros and cons when it comes to price, efficiency and other features. Students should know there are many sentences in these texts using comparatives in Spanish as a way to provide some examples on how people would normally use this very useful structure in the language. Finally, they should read the statements on exercise No. 2,decide whether they are true (verdadero) or false (falso) and write V or F in the boxes.

Information about this worksheet

Level: Intermediate
Skill: Reading
Related Lessons:

Solve it online!

Exercise No. 1

Read the passages comparing cars in Spanish again and choose the correct answer for the questions.

Exercise No. 2

Read each statement and decide if they are true (verdadero) or false (falso).

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