¡Hola! Thanks for joining us! We have designed this great PDF worksheet to help you practice the vocabulary for basic greetings in Spanish by solving two simple exercises. Let’s start…
Students can work individually or in pairs to solve the exercises in this worksheet. They can also solve it online on this page.
Print the worksheet and hand each student a copy. This worksheet consists of two exercises. To solve the first one, students must take a look at a list of key expressions and questions we can consider basic greetings in Spanish on top of the worksheet. Then, they must match these words or phrases with their correct translation, writing them down in the speech bubbles that we added to this material. For the second exercise, students should simply write the greetings in Spanish, either questions or expressions, that best fit in each blank space, making sure the conversation makes sense. If a question is missing, they will see question marks (¿?), and if a greeting is needed, they will see exclamation marks (¡!) in the dialogue.
Worksheet Information:
Level: Beginners
Skill: Vocabulary
Related Lessons:
- Common Spanish Greetings and Farewells: List and Quiz
- Spanish Greetings and Introductions: Conversations and Practice
- Spanish Phrases and Questions for Basic Conversations
Solve it online!
Follow the instructions in the interactive quizzes below to solve the two exercises on in this PDF worksheet. ¡Buena suerte!
Exercise No. 1
Drag and drop the correct greetings in Spanish to their English translation in the speech bubbles below.
Exercise No. 2
Find the most appropriate expressions or questions to greet people in Spanish to complete this short dialogue. Then, check your answers.