Numbers in Spanish 1 to 100 – PDF Worksheet

¡Hola! Thanks for joining us. This time, we are sharing another great PDF worksheet to help you practice the written forms of numbers in Spanish from 1 to 100 through two very interesting exercises. This material can be used as a way to review numbers or as part of a quiz about this topic. Let’s start…


Students could work by themselves or in pairs to solve the exercises on this worksheet. They can also solve it online on this page.

Each student gets a copy of the worksheet. This PDF worksheet contains two intuitive exercises. For the first one, students must first look at the three columns with numbers in the range 1 – 100 (digits) and add the written forms of these numbers in Spanish in the empty boxes next to them. The complete list of “números” they need has been added on top of the worksheet. They should be aware that there are patterns to write some of these numbers. For the second exercise, they must complete the sentences with the correct written form of the numbers in Spanish 1-100 in parentheses, making sure each sentence makes sense.

Worksheet information:

Level: Beginners
Skill: Vocabulary/Writing
Related lessons:

Solve it online!

Exercise No. 1

Drag and drop the correct written forms next to all these numbers in Spanish 1-100 in the interactive quiz below.

Exercise No. 2

Fill in the blanks with the right written forms of the Spanish numbers in parentheses.

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