Daily Routine Activities in Spanish – PDF Worksheet

¡Hola! Thanks for using our resources. We have designed this simple, but very useful PDF worksheet with an intuitive exercise to practice the vocabulary for the most common daily activities in Spanish. We hope you can get the best out of this material.


Students could work individually or in pairs to solve this exercise. They can also solve it online on this page.

This PDF worksheet covers some of the most important words and phrases to talk about your daily routine in Spanish. Firstly, you will see a list of daily activities in Spanish written on the top of this material. These activities may be reflexive verbs, common verbs plus a complement or just a single verb by itself like “cenar” (to have dinner). Students should write each of these words or phrases in the boxes below the images they best describe, making sure they match correctly.

Worksheet information:

Level: Beginner
Skill: Vocabulary
Related lessons:

Solve it online!

Look at the images representing activities in daily routines in Spanish and label them using the list on top of the worksheet.

ir al trabajo / maquillarse  / dormirse / desayunar / pasar tiempo con amigos / ir a la escuela / cocinar / cenar / hacer la tarea/cepillarse los dientes /alimentar al perro /hacer ejercicio /lavar los trastes  /ver televisión/sacar la basura /almorzar /hacer las compras /tomar el bus /trabajar /vestirse  /despertarse /lavarse las manos / peinarse /descansar /llevar a los niños a la escuela /bañarse /ir al baño  /regresar a casa  /afeitarse /levantarse

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