Spanish Prepositions of Place – PDF Worksheet

¡Hola! Thanks for using our resources to learn Spanish. This time, we are sharing a great PDF worksheet to practice prepositions of place in Spanish, which is actually a very essential topic to talk about objects in the class, things around the house and giving directions of places. We hope you can get the best out of this material. ¡Buena suerte!


Students could work by themselves or in pairs to solve the exercises on this worksheet. They can also solve it online on this page.

This material consists of two interesting exercises. To solve the first one, students must first take a look at the images of a kid and a box, plus a list of prepositions of place in Spanish. They should write the preposition that best represents the kid’s location in reference to the box. As for the second exercise, students must take a look at the picture of a classroom full of objects and people doing some activities, and then complete all the sentences with the correct “preposiciones de lugar” for each case. Know that some prepositions may have two or more equivalent words in Spanish, for example:

  • Mis libros están sobre/encima de la mesa. (My books are on the table.)
  • La pizarra está frente a/en frente de mi escritorio. (The whiteboard is opposite to my desk.)

Worksheet information:

Level: Beginners
Skill: Vocabulary/Grammar
Related lessons:

Solve it online!

Exercise No. 1

Drag and drop these Spanish prepositions of place under the correct locations.

Exercise No. 2

Look at the picture of a classroom and its objects, and then fill in the blank with the right prepositions in Spanish.

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