Irregular Verbs in Spanish in the Future Tense – PDF Worksheet

¡Hola! Thanks for using our resources. Previously, we shared two different materials about irregular verbs in the present and the preterite tense. This time, we are sharing a PDF worksheet with two exercises to practice the most important irregular verbs in Spanish in the future tense. We hope you find this very useful. Let’s start…


Students could work individually or in pairs on these exercises. They can also solve it online through the quizzes in this page.

In Spanish, the future tense of regular verbs is formed by following some specific conjugation rules, modifying the original ending of the verbs (-AR, -ER or -IR) depending on the subject of the sentence. However, as explained in the worksheet, some verbs will suffer a stem change and will also have different endings from regular ones, which makes them irregular, for example:

  • Yo tendré que ir a la oficina. (I’ll have to go to the office – Here, the verb tener is irregular, so instead of saying “teneré”, we will say “tendré”)
  • Él saldrá pronto de la reunión. (He’ll be out of the meeting soon. – Here. the verb salir is irregular too, so we will not say “salirá”, but “saldrá”)

To solve the first exercise, students must complete the chart on the worksheet containing a list of 12 common verbs using the right conjugations for these verbs in the simple future in Spanish. Students could make use of a conjugation tool to double-check the right form of these verbs. As for the second exercise, students must fill in the blanks using the future form of the irregular verbs in parentheses, making sure each sentence makes grammatical sense.

Worksheet information:

Level: Intermediate
Skill: Grammar
Related lessons:

Solve it online!

Exercise No. 1

Complete these sentences with the correct forms of each irregular verb in the future tense in Spanish.

Exercise No. 2

Fill in the blanks with the correct conjugations in the future tense for these Spanish irregular verbs.

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