The Verb PODER in Spanish – PDF Worksheet

¡Hola! Welcome to our website. We have designed a great PDF worksheet with two grammar exercises about the verb PODER in Spanish in several tenses so you can get an idea of how important it is. We hope that you find this material very useful. Let’s start…


Students could work individually or in pairs to solve the exercises on this worksheet. They can also work on both exercises by solving the interactive quizzes in this page.

Give students a copy of the worksheet. Students should be familiar with the different tenses in the language to use the right forms of PODER based on the clues in each sentence and their context. They could also make use of a conjugation tool to help themselves. As it is explained in the worksheet, the verb PODER is normally used as both the modal “CAN” to talk about abilities and the verb “BE ABLE TO” as well. PODER is a stem-changing verb in the present and preterite tense. Know that two different forms of the verb may work well, for example:

  • Creo puedo/podré resolver este problema.
  • Yo puedo/podía/podré tocar guitarra.

To solve the first exercise, students must fill in the blanks with the proper conjugations of the verb PODER in Spanish in the appropriate tenses. For the second exercise, students should complete the dialogue in the worksheet, again, by using the correct conjugations of the verb PODER.

Worksheet information:

Level: Upper-intermediate
Skill: Grammar
Related lessons:

Solve it online!

Exercise No. 1

Complete all 12 sentences below with the correct forms of the verb PODER in Spanish.

Exercise No. 2

Drag and drop the conjugations of the verb PODER to the correct blank spaces to complete the short conversation.

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