A Lab for Learning Spanish with Free Online Lessons

¡Bienvenidos a Spanish learning Lab!

This website was created as a tool for Spanish students who wish to improve their skills in the language and be an active part in their learning process. We provide free online lessons for lots of topics in the language to help you communicate effectively. We do our best to make sure every lesson contains simple explanations, lots of examples, as well as informative images and lots of educational resources. Furthermore, we hope to make you enjoy an online language lab, with interesting materials and tests to prove your comprehension of each topic. This site contains grammar lessons, vocabulary, and more importantly, a lot of Spanish listening activities to improve your listening comprehension in Spanish. Welcome again and enjoy learning Spanish!

General Spanish Lessons

Basic Spanish Lessons

The lessons in this category are aimed for students who are just starting to learn the language. They cover some basic vocabulary such as ways to introduce yourself in Spanish, common greetings and farewells, classroom objects and numbers in Spanish. Others will explore important grammar topics such as days of the week, dates and phrases for wishing a happy birthday in Spanish. Most of these lessons include some great interactive quizzes with nice tips that will certainly help you get the best out of each topic.

Pre-Intermediate Spanish

This section includes lessons with some vocabulary, grammar and listening activities on several topics such as the family in Spanish, making polite requests, describing people’s appearance and their personalities, the vocabulary and structure for talking about rooms and parts of the house and more.

Intermediate Spanish

This section includes lessons that will make use of everything taught in both the basic and pre-intermediate levels. The lessons are easy to follow and include videos from our Youtube Channel to make your learning experience even richer. Here, you will find topics like: daily routine activities, hobbies and free time activities, jobs and occupations, clothes and prices, directions of places and more.

Spanish Grammar Lessons

Basic Spanish Grammar

Spanish grammar is truly important in order to speak or write properly. The lessons in the category will explore more about specific grammar topics such as the singular and plural of Spanish nouns, gender rules, adjective-noun agreement, how to conjugate regular verbs and many other important topics. The explanations are easy to understand and focus on teaching you how to make sentences in Spanish with these structures.

Intermediate Spanish Grammar

This section will cover topics that you need to master to speak Spanish at an intermediate level. We focus on topics such as reflexive verbs and pronouns, the past tense in Spanish, the future tense, how to make comparisons and more. As usual, each lesson includes several examples and interactive grammar quizzes.

Spanish Listening Lessons

Basic Spanish Listening Practice

The lessons in this category are aimed at helping you develop your Spanish listening skill through a series of interesting lessons with a variety of examples and listening activities. Each lesson includes two main listening activities followed by interactive quizzes on topics such as common nicknames in Spanish, spelling words, conversations on colors, domestic and farm animals, popular movie genres and a lot more.

Intermediate Spanish Listening Practice

These lessons can be quite challenging, but they are great for talking your Spanish listening ability to the next level. The topics introduce a lot of useful phrases and questions for real conversations in Spanish. Here you will learn about leaving phone messages in Spanish, ordering food at a restaurant, borrowing and lending things, giving suggestions, how to apologize in Spanish, and a lot more.

Spanish PDF Worksheets

Find some free Spanish worksheets to practice vocabulary, grammar, listening and reading about different topics with games, role play activities and more. These exercises aim at helping you practice the content our site on your own, or in the classroom with your students/teacher. We are sure these resources will be very helpful to learn Spanish.

Thanks for using our resources to learn this beautiful language. Looking forward to having you around again! ¡Hasta pronto!

23 thoughts on “A Lab for Learning Spanish with Free Online Lessons”

        1. Hola… AYUDAR is a verb so it does not have a singular form. It is a regular verb, so you can conjugate it as “Yo ayudo”, “tú ayudas” and so on. The singular would apply for nouns and adjectives in Spanish, e.g. “casa” -> “casas”. Hope it helps Jeremiah 🙂

  1. Hello,
    On the basic Weather Expressions lesson, there is an error: In general we use three verbs to talk about the weather in Spanish: HABER in its form HAY, ESTAR as ESTÁ and HACER as HAY.
    The second HAY should be HACE.

  2. Alex – you use “esta usando” for talking about what someone is wearing. What about llevar, llevar puesto, ponerse, etc.? I feel like different countries use different verbs to talk about what someone is actively wearing at a particular moment. I’m trying to figure out which countries/regions use which phrases.

    1. Hi Jessica. Sorry for the late answer. Yes, I think different countries use different phrases as well. USAR means “to wear” and it would a very basic way to say what you are wearing. I have heard “LLEVAR PUESTO” a lot from Mexican TV shows. Probably, it is more common for them to say “LLEVAR PUESTO”, e.g. “Llevo puesta una chaqueta”, which is the same as “Estoy usando una chaqueta” or “Me puse una chaqueta” (using PONERSE). I could not tell you which countries exactly use which phrases, but I am sure most of them if not all would understand what you mean when you use any of them.

  3. Very happy to come on to your site. We are three years Americans into living in Ecuador. We like the practicality in techniques and thoughtful selection of subjects. Can you tell us something about yourselves, background, motivation for this effort, and if there may be more from you in the future ? Deucy and Deucet

    1. ¡Hola! ¡Mucho gusto! Well, we are from Nicaragua. I studied English as a Foreign Language and learned some methodologies for teaching the language. While learning English, I noticed that I preferred sites with recordings and visual resources. Since I’m a Spanish native speaker, I decided to help people learn Spanish instead of English with a site that included all I liked from English learning websites and more. It is really cool to write these kind of lessons with a communicative focus. After all, that is what languages are for… para comunicarnos. We plan to continue with this effort for sure. Thanks for stopping by! Enjoy Ecuador 🙂

      1. Estimado Alex,
        Ante que nada quiero felicitarlo por su extraordinario trabajo.
        Como instructor de Español de mucha experiencia, he encontrado su material ideal para aplicarlo a mis estudiantes ya sea en línea o en aula.

        Me gustaría saber que requisitos pide para tener acceso a su material y poderlo enseñar. Con mucho gusto estoy anuente a sus instrucciones. También solicito su autorización para colocar su logo y enlace en nuestro sitio web http://www.tutorjoe.com


        1. Estimado Joe,
          Puedes hacer uso del material para enseñar en línea o en el aula. Nos alegra que el material te parezca apto para tus clases. Solamente te pediríamos el favor de dirigir a tus usuarios a las lecciones que les puedan ayudar en su proceso de aprendizaje, sin necesidad de duplicar nuestro contenido en tu sitio. ¡Éxito!

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